Since I am a Holistic Health Coach people just assume I am always eating right. For the most part I do, but I also have my list of weakness, here it is: "coffee, cheese, croissants, European chocolate, Manner Schnitten (hazelnut wafles), cream cheese",as you see my list is as long as yours.
For the last several years I have replaced my addiction with a better version for example I replaced coffee with decaf coffee, after 4 months I replaced decaf coffee with green tea, yerba mate. I replaced white bread croissants with a whole grain croissant version which has instead of sugar agave nectar as sweetener.
I have replaced cream cheese with coconut oil. I replaced European Chocolate with dark chocolate covered almonds, no sugar and by the way almonds are high in omega 3s which keep our nerves calm and our waist line thin.
Our New Years Resolutions should be more specific so we are not overwhelmed with change. Too many people have resolutions like " I will lose 10 pounds this year and never touch a chocolate again!"
Nobody likes to change all their habits overnight. We need small goals, small goals are easier to achieve and we don't fill overwhelmed before we even start. This year's resolution could sound like this " 2011-- I will go dairy free during the week!"
here is a link to the DAIRY LOVERS OUT THERE, why you should not drink your milk and eat your cheese ever again!!!
If you wake up every day and you have to clear your throat, you are allergic to milk. I am not talking about lactose intolerant, I am talking about an allergy to the protein called casein which you can find in animal products and milk.
Losing weight does happen automatically once you change your eating habits a little bit.
Dairy has the highest amount of fat and sugar, the perfect combination to fatten a little cow.
We do not have to count portions and count points, the moment you get an understanding of good nutrition you will keep off those pounds that you try to loose every year over and over again. Losing weight is only the by-product of a healthy diet!!
Birgit your Herbalist
You probably already wonder by now how I replaced my MANNER SCHNITTEN, I moved away from Austria!!
Yes, that's the only way I can stay away from the Hazwlnut Wafers but I still get the occasionally box from my mom but 5-6 packages a year should not make a difference to my weight and health.