Here are some tips how to go from a bad habitual eater to a more healthy conscious eater.
Evaluate your diet and start changing only one bad habit
For example choose one day and promise yourself that you won't drink coffee on this day. Substitute coffee with a warm cup of brewed Roasted Yerba Mate with almond milk foam. Once you feel comfortable drinking tea once a week, try to improve to two days a week.....!
Most diet changes fail, if we try to make changes too quickly
If you decide to give up coffee tomorrow for EVER you are immediatley doomed for failure.
Most people are personally and socially connected to their habits. I had once a client she could not give up drinking wine on a weekend because of social reasons. So she started with one night during the weekend. Once she felt comfortable without having wine on Friday night, she was able to quit drinking throughout the whole weekend. Lots of times we think that our friends will be disappointed if we do not take their offer to drink wine or eat a dessert, but its quite more the opposite a lot of times friends are excited that you have the power and strength to change bad habits.
Sign up for a social meeting
Weight Watchers is all about the community meetings. Having a group during a weight loss program that meets every week to cheer each other on and support each other in times of stress and lack of focus, can do wonders.
Join a cooking class
Having new recipes can get you inspired in preparing more nutritious meals.
Find new Restaurants
Once you decided for example that you won't eat any more dairy you definitely need to find new restaurants so you don't end up with your favorite Alfredo Pasta dish!
Start a new HOBBY
A new hobby can keep your mind occupied in times of severe sugar or salt cravings.
Start knitting so you keep your hands and mind busy during the evening, since that is the time when most people fall off their wagon and give in into their cravings.
Remember you can only succeed in changing your eating habits if you go slow and start connecting with like minded people. So tell your spouse that tomorrow nobody will eat meat and if he does not go along, find a NEW HUSBAND OR WIFE----just kidding ;))