It was not your fault of not running harder and longer, it was the fault of your hormone "leptin" which is produced in your fat cells.
Leptin is a hormone that tells our brain that we had enough food and gives the body the permission to start burning fuel. Simply said your body starts burning fat.
In case you decided you need to loose 2-3 pounds overnight, you just figure "EAT NOTHING" run for "5 MILES" and you will be at least a 1-2 pounds lighter the next day. If this would be true you would not be here today. Our ancestors made it happen that in case of food shortage and hard physical work, our bodies reduce the metabolism (fat burning) to preserve the little fat storage they had. SIMPLY SAID- The better your ancestors stored fat the more likely they survived.
Leptin is a our weight control office. If leptin senses that there has been way to less food, it calls the brain (hypothalamus) to stop blowing through fuel. It's like with a car. If you happen to notice that you are almost out of fuel, you will try to use your gas pedal as less as possible, so you can cruise into the nearest gas station without ever burning fuel.
So how can you trick your body to avoid the "STORE- EVERY- BITE- OF-FOOD" situation?
Eat high amounts of nutrient dense foods. Most nutrient dense foods have lots of essential fats (Omega 3), high amounts of vitamins, minerals, macro nutrients and easy absorbed protein.
For example steamed veggies (high nutrients) with flaxseed oil (Omega 3's) and beans (easy absorbed protein) One bowl less than 300 calories compared to one cup of CAPPUCCINO (no nutrients and omega's) same amount of calories.
The old believe of calories and calories out only works for a short time.. Most people loose weight on a very restricted calorie diet but most of them will gain all and some back within 2-3 weeks.
Eating less and exercising more equals "FALSE FAMINE". Jump off from the believe of less is more, start fueling your body with proper nutrients and you might loose weight before you even put on your running shoes!
Birgit your Wellness Coach