Several reasons for not doing it:
Reason #1, By not being a native speaker I was afraid that I would struggle with the language!
Reason #2, My youngest child is 18months, time commitment will be a problem!
Reason #3, Nobody will be interested to read what I have to say!!
As you can see I found tons of excuses NOT TO DO IT. You probably wonder now, how I finally ended up here.
My husband Mark of 12 years made me do it. Sometimes other people have to help us overcome our own fears and comfort zones. Everyday he asked me "DID YOU START YOUR OWN WEBPAGE WITH A BLOG?" And everyday I had to disappoint him, and bring up some other excuses, until today. I finally realized that I have to jump into the unknown!
That's why I called my first blog YOU CAN DO IT! Everybody is afraid of doing something out of their comfort zone!
Have you ever had the experience of not wanting to do something because of the fear of the unknown but once you overcame your fears, you loved it and were surprised why it took you so long to do it.
Just like my blog-fear, people are sometimes afraid to consult a Master Herbalist and a Holistic Health Coach because the fear of having to change their eating habits and lifestyles is bigger than the fear of having to live with a chronic disease. Are we really victims of diseases like diabetes, cancer, heart attack or are we more victims to our lifestyles and eating habits. How many people do we know who order Pizza every Friday night, have Dinner at the Steak house every Saturday night and Breakfast at a Dinner every Sunday morning. Breaking habits is hard! But you are what you eat. After years of eating the wrong foods your body will develop symptoms like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, indigestion..... YOU CAN DO IT! Just like I overcame my fear of blogging! Start to implement some change into your life. Eat at a vegetarian restaurant next time you have a Dinner date. Explore new tastes, your body will thank you.
This is my first time of many to come to give you information about holistic health. Come join me on the voyage of healthy eating and living by reading my monthly blog.
Master Herbalist